
Founded in 2003 out of the necessity to breathe and avoid the choke of Istanbul. Death Ritual is considered one of the pioneering black metal bands from Turkey, carving a unique space for itself in the Black Metal world. The band’s sole member, V., was born and bred in a culturally rich yet challenging city, a fact that has profoundly influenced the group’s hard-hitting and rooted style.

In 2005, the band released their first demo, a limited edition with only 25 copies pressed. The first 10 copies were hand blood-numbered, making each one a unique testament to the band’s raw and visceral aesthetic. This initial demo, which featured Haagenti as a session drummer, successfully heralded the harsh and dark sound of Death Ritual. This rare piece was later distributed on tape by Diabolous Prods, spreading the sounds of Death Ritual even further.

In 2005, upon his relocation to Switzerland, V. self-produced and released the EP titled “Fractal Revenge”, with Aberrant performing as a session drummer. This self-released EP served to reinforce Death Ritual’s dedication to their craft and uncompromising vision.

Returning to Turkey in 2010, V. later launched the album “Usurper” in 2017 under the now-defunct label Infernal Void, featuring Goatperv_ as the session drummer. This release carried the raw intensity of Death Ritual into new realms, with V.’s experiences in different lands echoing through the band’s music.

Death Ritual has continually evolved and been influenced by V.’s various locations and experiences. Now residing in South America, V. is currently working on a new album. The music of Death Ritual represents a journey that remains true to its roots while pushing boundaries and drawing inspiration from different cultures and experiences.

Death Ritual’s fierce yet captivating style has garnered appreciation not only in Turkey’s black metal scene but globally as well. The band’s distinctive sound and boundary-pushing approach have secured it a unique place in the world of black metal, making it a group that will always be remembered.

V., the driving force behind the band, is known for his spontaneity and unwavering individuality. He prefers solitude over insincere companionship, thriving in the realm of his own creative process. His authenticity extends into every facet of the music, from the complex compositions to the raw, hatred-filled lyrics.



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